1.2.0 (2024-11-04)
- Create LICENSE (462c394)
Bug Fixes
- pipeline/dotnet.yml: add cache (6c306c9)
- remove cache (de6f537)
- remove locked mode (954d4b3)
- UpdateBotStatus: remove custom status as it isn't supported (f45a88d)
1.1.0 (2024-11-03)
- BackgroundService: add status to bot (1467b8a)
Bug Fixes
- add sealed to all appropriate classes and records (9d76310)
1.0.3 (2024-11-01)
Bug Fixes
- MessageHandler: return if the message is not on a server (bac9526)
1.0.2 (2024-10-31)
Bug Fixes
- BotService: move async events around and error handle cache slash command ids (450bb59)
- Startup: remove message content intent (5beea41)
1.0.1 (2024-10-31)
- bentoService: add update bento sender date method (97526dd)
- bot.SharedCommands: add tags commands (23a6e09)
- bot.SlashCommands: add tags with cached autocomplete (d8d78ae)
- bot.TextCommands: add tags with prefix support in msg handler (b433c4d)
- bot/BackgroundService: add user reminder method (57eeaae)
- bot/SharedCommands: define shared commands (88b1571)
- bot/slashCommands: add reminder slash commands (ec1f1c7)
- bot/textCommands: add reminder text commands (6c60533)
- Bot: add initial tag command and its slash command (15d99a7)
- bot: add reminder to startup (898b5a6)
- cmd: add basic about bento cmd (1c2d80d)
- cmd: add bento command (49360c9)
- cmd: add choose cmd (8cae0fb)
- cmd: add game cmds (4d99296)
- cmd: add guild member info and guild info (d1771ed)
- cmd: add urban dict (9369ab8)
- cmd: add user info cmd (61061c0)
- cmd: add weather command (fcf160c)
- commands: add profile/rank command (0b0ff36)
- docker-prerelease: fix ssh job (0bcad0e)
- docker-release: make release github action and small adjustments (8673cb3)
- Domain.Constants: Add lists of existing commands and aliases (c0e83bc)
- Domain.Entities: add BentoTags (6611257)
- Domain.StringExtensions: ContainsSenssitiveCharacters method (d9415db)
- domain: add reminder for usage between infra and bot (1cf8c31)
- dotBento.Infrastructure: add inital dotbento.Infrastructure (50a9bf3)
- game: add game entities, enums and extensions to domain (0b4be1e)
- Infra.Dto: add TagContentDto (d93ce9e)
- infra/services: add methods for the profile command (40a9491)
- infra: add reminder service, commands, and map extension (abe783a)
- lastfm/slashcommand: add slash command for collage and remove DateTimeAutoComplete (da7795b)
- lastFm: add collage command (c582000)
- lastFm: add lastfm commands (3faa242)
- LastFmCommand: Add text command (b134bd0)
- LastFmTimePeriodUtilities: Add LastFmTimeSpanFromUserOptionTextCommand (8f6dfc3)
- legal: add tos and privacy policy (3dcb3ad)
- open source (0c4a9e8)
- OpenWeatherApi: add nullable error message to object from API (dd8c29f)
- startup: add async runmode to interactions by default (77d1ec5)
- startup: add infrastructure and urbanService to startup (b84432d)
- startup: add shared commands support (ffb22e8)
- stringExtensions: add CapitalizeFirstLetter method (ff543a6)
- StringExtensions: add TrimToMaxLength (971e630)
- Styling: add base bento yellow (e4d9ae4)
- sushii: add sushi image server (1e62848)
- TagCommands: add inital tags methods (91d9a6a)
- tagCommands: basic methods (1612739)
- TagCommands: CreateTagAsync (f5bc66f)
- tags: add initial TagCommands (bf7dd59)
- tags: add tagsService (e1b0da7)
- ToolsCommands: add colour command (e763696)
- UserExtensions: add check if bot and add to user input cmds (553bf7a)
- workflows: ignore husky (4441d70)
Bug Fixes
- AutoCompleteHandlers: remove DateTime, as you can use choices instead (80cddc6)
- AvatarSlashCommand: fix names in command (880576b)
- AvatarTextCommand: fix names in command (afc5ba6)
- bot.csproj: use default lang ver (35cd545)
- Bot.Extensions: warnings (0564a99)
- Bot.Handlers: warnings (6e33369)
- Bot.Startup: warnings (0df78ad)
- bot/GenericEmbedService: add syntax for required or optional arguments for text commands (206d128)
- botservice: unused import (ed999ff)
- cmd: add current datetime to bento sender, fix format (bbee593)
- cmd: error handling and help cmd for slash and text commands (6937efd)
- cmd: move commands to sharedCommands and Commands folder (c2a1b8e)
- cmd: remove unused imports (c34bb3a)
- ContextExtensions: adjust ImageOnly (fcd362e)
- ContextExtensions: correct ImageWithEmbed (3e39503)
- docker-prerelease: add password (10fb799)
- docker-prerelease: fix docker error (2685022)
- docker-prerelease: update path (48a2253)
- docker-prerelease: update to new docker compose (271ee1a)
- docker-prerelease: update to new server (0c31ca9)
- docker-release: fix pre-release detection (b922ed7)
- docker: add new project (dbe2567)
- Domain.StringExtensions: move StringExtensions to Bento.Domain (063972d)
- husky: accomodate husky major version (94dcdd9)
- Infra.TagCommands: adjust methods and add extension method (4ae445a)
- Infra.TagService: adjust methods and add caching (5fe94d1)
- infra/api/LastFmApiService: correct error message (2ca6f0e)
- Infrastructure.Services.PrefixService: warnings (e865172)
- InteractionHandler: catch cmd error and return to user (476e658)
- LastFmCommand: make file names granular (28ff222)
- LastFmTextCommand: change namespace structure (a857fb5)
- MessageHandler: catch cmd error and return to user (ceec492)
- MessageHandler: remember to check and add guild (fbd6bb8)
- ping: add hide option (f2ba012)
- pingSlashCommand: correct namespace (d16ccde)
- project: correct version (4fb4465)
- ResponseModel: change init to set to support flow for pagination cmds (ed0d308)
- sdk: use latestMinor instead (76f3be8)
- startup: load env for local dev (484ff1e)
- Startup: verbose logging till more solid codebase (5b089c6)
- StringExtensions: add this to static functions (f82d7d9)
- StylingUtilities: remove unused function (309658f)
- StylingUtilities: remove unused httpclient (c1a6220)
- tagService: correction of args and methods (37cf412)
- TextCommands: correct aliases (aea1d2c)
- urbanDictionary: move urban dictionary service to infra (665244a)
- UserSlashCommand: remove extra m in description (e02beac)
- weatherService: use Ordefault method to support Maybe (c4ac520)
Miscellaneous Chores
1.0.0 (2024-10-31)
- bentoService: add update bento sender date method (97526dd)
- bot.SharedCommands: add tags commands (23a6e09)
- bot.SlashCommands: add tags with cached autocomplete (d8d78ae)
- bot.TextCommands: add tags with prefix support in msg handler (b433c4d)
- bot/BackgroundService: add user reminder method (57eeaae)
- bot/SharedCommands: define shared commands (88b1571)
- bot/slashCommands: add reminder slash commands (ec1f1c7)
- bot/textCommands: add reminder text commands (6c60533)
- Bot: add initial tag command and its slash command (15d99a7)
- bot: add reminder to startup (898b5a6)
- cmd: add basic about bento cmd (1c2d80d)
- cmd: add bento command (49360c9)
- cmd: add choose cmd (8cae0fb)
- cmd: add game cmds (4d99296)
- cmd: add guild member info and guild info (d1771ed)
- cmd: add urban dict (9369ab8)
- cmd: add user info cmd (61061c0)
- cmd: add weather command (fcf160c)
- commands: add profile/rank command (0b0ff36)
- docker-prerelease: fix ssh job (0bcad0e)
- docker-release: make release github action and small adjustments (8673cb3)
- Domain.Constants: Add lists of existing commands and aliases (c0e83bc)
- Domain.Entities: add BentoTags (6611257)
- Domain.StringExtensions: ContainsSenssitiveCharacters method (d9415db)
- domain: add reminder for usage between infra and bot (1cf8c31)
- dotBento.Infrastructure: add inital dotbento.Infrastructure (50a9bf3)
- game: add game entities, enums and extensions to domain (0b4be1e)
- Infra.Dto: add TagContentDto (d93ce9e)
- infra/services: add methods for the profile command (40a9491)
- infra: add reminder service, commands, and map extension (abe783a)
- lastfm/slashcommand: add slash command for collage and remove DateTimeAutoComplete (da7795b)
- lastFm: add collage command (c582000)
- lastFm: add lastfm commands (3faa242)
- LastFmCommand: Add text command (b134bd0)
- LastFmTimePeriodUtilities: Add LastFmTimeSpanFromUserOptionTextCommand (8f6dfc3)
- legal: add tos and privacy policy (3dcb3ad)
- open source (0c4a9e8)
- OpenWeatherApi: add nullable error message to object from API (dd8c29f)
- startup: add async runmode to interactions by default (77d1ec5)
- startup: add infrastructure and urbanService to startup (b84432d)
- startup: add shared commands support (ffb22e8)
- stringExtensions: add CapitalizeFirstLetter method (ff543a6)
- StringExtensions: add TrimToMaxLength (971e630)
- Styling: add base bento yellow (e4d9ae4)
- sushii: add sushi image server (1e62848)
- TagCommands: add inital tags methods (91d9a6a)
- tagCommands: basic methods (1612739)
- TagCommands: CreateTagAsync (f5bc66f)
- tags: add initial TagCommands (bf7dd59)
- tags: add tagsService (e1b0da7)
- ToolsCommands: add colour command (e763696)
- UserExtensions: add check if bot and add to user input cmds (553bf7a)
- workflows: ignore husky (4441d70)
Bug Fixes
- AutoCompleteHandlers: remove DateTime, as you can use choices instead (80cddc6)
- AvatarSlashCommand: fix names in command (880576b)
- AvatarTextCommand: fix names in command (afc5ba6)
- bot.csproj: use default lang ver (35cd545)
- Bot.Extensions: warnings (0564a99)
- Bot.Handlers: warnings (6e33369)
- Bot.Startup: warnings (0df78ad)
- bot/GenericEmbedService: add syntax for required or optional arguments for text commands (206d128)
- botservice: unused import (ed999ff)
- cmd: add current datetime to bento sender, fix format (bbee593)
- cmd: error handling and help cmd for slash and text commands (6937efd)
- cmd: move commands to sharedCommands and Commands folder (c2a1b8e)
- cmd: remove unused imports (c34bb3a)
- ContextExtensions: adjust ImageOnly (fcd362e)
- ContextExtensions: correct ImageWithEmbed (3e39503)
- docker-prerelease: add password (10fb799)
- docker-prerelease: fix docker error (2685022)
- docker-prerelease: update path (48a2253)
- docker-prerelease: update to new docker compose (271ee1a)
- docker-prerelease: update to new server (0c31ca9)
- docker: add new project (dbe2567)
- Domain.StringExtensions: move StringExtensions to Bento.Domain (063972d)
- husky: accomodate husky major version (94dcdd9)
- Infra.TagCommands: adjust methods and add extension method (4ae445a)
- Infra.TagService: adjust methods and add caching (5fe94d1)
- infra/api/LastFmApiService: correct error message (2ca6f0e)
- Infrastructure.Services.PrefixService: warnings (e865172)
- InteractionHandler: catch cmd error and return to user (476e658)
- LastFmCommand: make file names granular (28ff222)
- LastFmTextCommand: change namespace structure (a857fb5)
- MessageHandler: catch cmd error and return to user (ceec492)
- MessageHandler: remember to check and add guild (fbd6bb8)
- ping: add hide option (f2ba012)
- pingSlashCommand: correct namespace (d16ccde)
- project: correct version (4fb4465)
- ResponseModel: change init to set to support flow for pagination cmds (ed0d308)
- sdk: use latestMinor instead (76f3be8)
- startup: load env for local dev (484ff1e)
- Startup: verbose logging till more solid codebase (5b089c6)
- StringExtensions: add this to static functions (f82d7d9)
- StylingUtilities: remove unused function (309658f)
- StylingUtilities: remove unused httpclient (c1a6220)
- tagService: correction of args and methods (37cf412)
- TextCommands: correct aliases (aea1d2c)
- urbanDictionary: move urban dictionary service to infra (665244a)
- UserSlashCommand: remove extra m in description (e02beac)
- weatherService: use Ordefault method to support Maybe (c4ac520)
Miscellaneous Chores
- release 1.0.0 (bab1f7a)
1.0.0 (2024-10-31)
- bentoService: add update bento sender date method (97526dd)
- bot.SharedCommands: add tags commands (23a6e09)
- bot.SlashCommands: add tags with cached autocomplete (d8d78ae)
- bot.TextCommands: add tags with prefix support in msg handler (b433c4d)
- bot/BackgroundService: add user reminder method (57eeaae)
- bot/SharedCommands: define shared commands (88b1571)
- bot/slashCommands: add reminder slash commands (ec1f1c7)
- bot/textCommands: add reminder text commands (6c60533)
- Bot: add initial tag command and its slash command (15d99a7)
- bot: add reminder to startup (898b5a6)
- cmd: add basic about bento cmd (1c2d80d)
- cmd: add bento command (49360c9)
- cmd: add choose cmd (8cae0fb)
- cmd: add game cmds (4d99296)
- cmd: add guild member info and guild info (d1771ed)
- cmd: add urban dict (9369ab8)
- cmd: add user info cmd (61061c0)
- cmd: add weather command (fcf160c)
- commands: add profile/rank command (0b0ff36)
- docker-prerelease: fix ssh job (0bcad0e)
- docker-release: make release github action and small adjustments (8673cb3)
- Domain.Constants: Add lists of existing commands and aliases (c0e83bc)
- Domain.Entities: add BentoTags (6611257)
- Domain.StringExtensions: ContainsSenssitiveCharacters method (d9415db)
- domain: add reminder for usage between infra and bot (1cf8c31)
- dotBento.Infrastructure: add inital dotbento.Infrastructure (50a9bf3)
- game: add game entities, enums and extensions to domain (0b4be1e)
- Infra.Dto: add TagContentDto (d93ce9e)
- infra/services: add methods for the profile command (40a9491)
- infra: add reminder service, commands, and map extension (abe783a)
- lastfm/slashcommand: add slash command for collage and remove DateTimeAutoComplete (da7795b)
- lastFm: add collage command (c582000)
- lastFm: add lastfm commands (3faa242)
- LastFmCommand: Add text command (b134bd0)
- LastFmTimePeriodUtilities: Add LastFmTimeSpanFromUserOptionTextCommand (8f6dfc3)
- legal: add tos and privacy policy (3dcb3ad)
- open source (0c4a9e8)
- OpenWeatherApi: add nullable error message to object from API (dd8c29f)
- startup: add async runmode to interactions by default (77d1ec5)
- startup: add infrastructure and urbanService to startup (b84432d)
- startup: add shared commands support (ffb22e8)
- stringExtensions: add CapitalizeFirstLetter method (ff543a6)
- StringExtensions: add TrimToMaxLength (971e630)
- Styling: add base bento yellow (e4d9ae4)
- sushii: add sushi image server (1e62848)
- TagCommands: add inital tags methods (91d9a6a)
- tagCommands: basic methods (1612739)
- TagCommands: CreateTagAsync (f5bc66f)
- tags: add initial TagCommands (bf7dd59)
- tags: add tagsService (e1b0da7)
- ToolsCommands: add colour command (e763696)
- UserExtensions: add check if bot and add to user input cmds (553bf7a)
- workflows: ignore husky (4441d70)
Bug Fixes
- AutoCompleteHandlers: remove DateTime, as you can use choices instead (80cddc6)
- AvatarSlashCommand: fix names in command (880576b)
- AvatarTextCommand: fix names in command (afc5ba6)
- bot.csproj: use default lang ver (35cd545)
- Bot.Extensions: warnings (0564a99)
- Bot.Handlers: warnings (6e33369)
- Bot.Startup: warnings (0df78ad)
- bot/GenericEmbedService: add syntax for required or optional arguments for text commands (206d128)
- botservice: unused import (ed999ff)
- cmd: add current datetime to bento sender, fix format (bbee593)
- cmd: error handling and help cmd for slash and text commands (6937efd)
- cmd: move commands to sharedCommands and Commands folder (c2a1b8e)
- cmd: remove unused imports (c34bb3a)
- ContextExtensions: adjust ImageOnly (fcd362e)
- ContextExtensions: correct ImageWithEmbed (3e39503)
- docker-prerelease: add password (10fb799)
- docker-prerelease: fix docker error (2685022)
- docker-prerelease: update path (48a2253)
- docker-prerelease: update to new docker compose (271ee1a)
- docker-prerelease: update to new server (0c31ca9)
- docker: add new project (dbe2567)
- Domain.StringExtensions: move StringExtensions to Bento.Domain (063972d)
- husky: accomodate husky major version (94dcdd9)
- Infra.TagCommands: adjust methods and add extension method (4ae445a)
- Infra.TagService: adjust methods and add caching (5fe94d1)
- infra/api/LastFmApiService: correct error message (2ca6f0e)
- Infrastructure.Services.PrefixService: warnings (e865172)
- InteractionHandler: catch cmd error and return to user (476e658)
- LastFmCommand: make file names granular (28ff222)
- LastFmTextCommand: change namespace structure (a857fb5)
- MessageHandler: catch cmd error and return to user (ceec492)
- MessageHandler: remember to check and add guild (fbd6bb8)
- ping: add hide option (f2ba012)
- pingSlashCommand: correct namespace (d16ccde)
- project: correct version (4fb4465)
- ResponseModel: change init to set to support flow for pagination cmds (ed0d308)
- sdk: use latestMinor instead (76f3be8)
- startup: load env for local dev (484ff1e)
- Startup: verbose logging till more solid codebase (5b089c6)
- StringExtensions: add this to static functions (f82d7d9)
- StylingUtilities: remove unused function (309658f)
- StylingUtilities: remove unused httpclient (c1a6220)
- tagService: correction of args and methods (37cf412)
- TextCommands: correct aliases (aea1d2c)
- urbanDictionary: move urban dictionary service to infra (665244a)
- UserSlashCommand: remove extra m in description (e02beac)
- weatherService: use Ordefault method to support Maybe (c4ac520)
Miscellaneous Chores
- release 1.0.0 (bab1f7a)
1.0.0 (2024-01-07)
- docker-prerelease: add auto deploy to VPS (52d2a2b)
Bug Fixes
- messageHandler: change order of user check (64ace2c)
0.1.0 (2023-11-28)
- add git checkout (c1bd87b)
- docker-release github action (15d4e56)
- manual trigger prod release (a34cfe6)
- tooling: add vscode debugging (b37adb8)
Bug Fixes
- actually add .idea to gitignore (0b3b5f3)
- add .idea to gitignore (201a111)
- add allow unrelated histories to trigger yml (ca81edf)
- add logging to fix release-please (be8fba8)
- adjust release according to release-dates (7900788)
- adjust release-please to accomodate potential release instead of default pre-release (094d5fe)
- adjust yaml again (80a1c02)
- correct grep in release-please (ad1c14f)
- delete separate trigger (5ab03f4)
- devops: Delete redundant CHANGELOG.MD (1991bf8)
- diff logging (66e4405)
- docker-prerelease adjusted to pre-release only (50f2378)
- dotnet build github action (a05cbe6)
- dotnet yml (817438e)
- paths dotnet yml (66e2205)
- release please yaml (1a575a5)
- release-please with manual trigger for release (104d20f)
- remove logging for debug workflow purposes (a861006)
- remove logging for debugging dotnet.yml (72e587d)
- restore changelog (7a94e23)
- revert release-please (5ac8051)
- syntax bash in release-please (e72eeae)
- Update dotnet.yml (6207986)
- Update trigger-prod-release.yml (53b9451)
0.0.1 (2023-11-27)
- devops: add changelog and version file for release please (57d89fb)
- docker workflow and other github stuff (31bb218)
- dockerfile (7fcd948)
- move into src (43ce73f)
Bug Fixes
- change path to find dockerfile (8e27fe6)
- devops: Update dotnet.yml (1971dca)
- devops: Update dotnet.yml (5036314)
- devops: Update release-please.yaml (e6a7a48)
- more explicit path (b18faa5)
- move dockerfile, add path (78aed07)
- path to dockerfile (56e1ba4)
- remove context from docker github actions (be78676)